Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Two years...

after I start this thing, and I finally manage to track down my forgotten username and password. So we'll see if this leads to any renewed writing.

One thing I struggled with ("struggled with" sounds awfully pretentious, but....) when I was writing this before was whether I was writing for myself or writing for other people. My initial idea was to just write down whatever passed through my head, and use blogspot as a place to keep it, but when I'm writing, I can't help but be influenced at some points by the thought that other people (probably people I know, to some degree) will be reading this. Unless I settle on one approach, this could get confusing.
That said, I don't think I will settle on one approach. Not right away, if ever. But I probably should give some idea of where I'm coming from here.

I started this blog a while back before trailing off to some degree. Part of the reason for that was all the other fantastic hockey blogs I discovered. It soon became apparent to me that I didn't have the historical perspective of a guy like Lowetide, the number crunching ability of the guys at IOF, or the business knowledge of a guy like Tom Benjamin. It was alot easier just to read and learn from those guys.
I had vauge intentions of starting a "hockey book review" blog, which would fill some sort of niche I'm sure, regardless of how in demand it might be. But given my present circumstances, such a blog isn't really feasible. Present circumstances being that I'm currently living in Taiwan, where Stephen Brunt's new book on Bobby Orr isn't what anyone would consider widely available. And I don't feel much like ordering books through amazon.com and then having a wide library to figure out how I'd transport back to Canada in a years time. So that idea might be on hold.

See, here I go again, writing mostly for myself. This is getting awfully long for being a re-introduction.

So to get to my point, I'm not sure what form this blog will take now. Maybe I just want some sort of creative thing to do given my abundance of free time here. Maybe I'd like to develop my writing skills. Maybe I'll abandon this after a few months (weeks) and come back to it in a year with that whole "book review" idea renewed.

Anyway, my point is that I'm not quite sure what I have to contribute to the hockey-logosphere, but perhaps I'll find a niche after all and begin to write for more than just myself.